azucena castillo

Perfect Blend

Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo

Fighting style:
Mixed Martial Arts (Striker)
Things to know:
Jab punisher:
1,1 or 1,2
Launch punisher:
Heat Smash Startup:
15 frames
Heat Smash level:
Sidestep weakness:
entering her Libertador (LIB) and Backturned (BT) stances to bully her opponents. Both stances have a diverse set of mixup options, frame traps and pressure tools that allow Azucena to cash out her stance entries in a variety of ways. She can also toy with her opponent using the stances' auto parries and built-in movement options to dance circles around them.Heat makes it much easier for Azucena to enter stance and enforce her mixups, and also makes her stance game deadlier.Azucena has sub-par neutral, with weak pokes and pressure tools, and can struggle to setup her stance mixups. She must rely on conditioning her opponent with string extension threats or outplaying the opponent to earn respect. She must also layer her mixups to avoid playing "casino Tekken".
  • Simple inputs and easily understood gameplan
  • Strong and versatile standing punishment (e.g., 1,2, df+1,4, f+1+2)
  • Plenty of wall splatting moves (e.g., 1,2, f+1+2, f+4,4 etc.)
  • Has a high, power crush Heat engager (f+1+2)
  • Weak pokes and pressure tools
  • Sub-par crouching punishment
  • Whiff punishment is fairly committal